Our Mission: To provide assistance to U.S. Military Retirees, service members in Thailand about to retire, and eligible family members of the above. This service includes maintaining this website with useful links to information and listing offices that can assist you in areas beyond our charter. This RAO is an official U.S. Air Force activity staffed by a small group of retired U.S. military volunteers. We welcome your emails and can assist you and eligible family members on a walk-in basis. We also maintain an RAO Newsletter (below) with useful information updates.
If you find broken links on this site, please email us with the broken link!!
How to use this website: The most important thing to know is that depending upon the web browser you use, some of the links on this website only work if you paste them into your web browser. So, if the link doesn't work, copy and paste into your browser. If it still doesn't work, email us please. Our goal for this website is to provide information for the most commonly asked retiree questions. We are not the subject matter experts for most areas, we provide you links to the offices and agencies who are knowledgeable. We are happy to answer your questions, but ask that you first familiarize yourself with this website, read each section, as it contains useful information. Please note the final section at the bottom of this page which lists activities we are unable to perform, as they are prohibited.
Follow RAO on Facebook: www.facebook.com/RetireeActivitiesOfficeThailand
*RAO Informational Updates* 
To update DEERS online, use this link https://www.tricare.mil/DEERS
RAPIDS/ DEERS/ ID CARD Offices worldwide can be located and appointments scheduled at the below links:
ID Card Office Online
Currently DEERS/ID services are suspended at JUSMAGTHAI due to severe personnel shortages.
The closest DEERS/ID unit is in Singapore at the Naval Installation, Sembawang, Singapore (adjacent to the U.S. Navy Exchange).
Singapore Area Coordinator ID Card Lab Map / Location
DEPTFORD RD, BLDG 7-4 (1st Floor)
SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE+65 315 421-2671
Office and Walk-In Hours Monday, Wednesday & Friday 0900-1100 & 1200-1400
The RAO has a limited supply of U.S. postal stamps. You may purchase 5 stamps. As these stamps were donated, the proceeds from the sale will go to VFW Post 9951 Food Bank Fund.
The RAO is open Tue/ Wed/ Thur from 0930 till 1430.
The PACT Act and your VA benefits
The PACT Act is a new law that expands VA health care and benefits for Veterans exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances. The PACT Act adds to the list of health conditions that we assume (or “presume”) are caused by exposure to these substances. This law helps us provide generations of Veterans—and their survivors—with the care and benefits they’ve earned and deserve.
For further information go to : https://www.va.gov/resources/the-pact-act-and-your-va-benefits/
Here is a link for you to obtain proof of insurance if you have TRICARE. However, please be advised that the Royal Thai Government does not accept this document; we are simply providing you the link.
Apply for your U.S. passport renewal by mail! The U.S. Embassy in Bangkok reminds U.S. citizens living in Thailand they are eligible to renew their U.S. passports and/or change their surname on their U.S passport by postage mail. This program saves applicants time and travel expenses. It is easy, convenient, and secure. You can prepare your passport application package at any time and the process takes approximately two to three weeks from the date we receive your application to when you receive your new passport book by mail. You can learn more about this process on the U.S. Embassy Bangkok website page here. NOTE....on U.S. Embassy Bangkok website page link, there is also a very handy infographic How to renew passport by Mail brochure that explains the information graphically.
Stay Informed, Stay Connected, Stay Safe! The U.S. Embassy in Bangkok and the U.S. Consulate General in Chiang Mai encourage retirees living in Thailand to enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (SMART). The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is a free service to allow U.S. citizens and nationals traveling and living abroad to receive important information from the Embassy about safety conditions in Thailand, help the U.S. Embassy contact you in an emergency, and help family and friends get in touch with you in an emergency. Follow the link here to enroll in STEP on its official website.
An uncomfortable subject, but necessary one. What should we do to prepare for our eventual passing? The U.S. Embassy has information located here.
Commonly requested handouts at U.S. Embassy. Good info!!!
VA's Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry allows eligible Veterans and Servicemembers to document their exposures and report health concerns through an online questionnaire.
Eligible Veterans and Servicemembers include those who served in: Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn; Djibouti, Africa on or after September 11, 2001; Operations Desert Shield or Desert Storm; Southwest Asia theater of operations on or after August 2, 1990
• JUSMAGTHAI - Joint Support Section •
Location: Bldg. "D", Room D-109
Defense Manpower Data Center Support Office (DSO)
DEERS Hours: " By Appointment Only "
400 Gigling Rd.
To make an appointment go to:
Seaside CA 93955-6771
Tel: 1-800-538-9552
Enter location: Bangkok Thailand
The JUSMAGTHAI TRICARE office is chartered and funded to assist active duty personnel and eligible family members. The TRICARE Office, on a space-available basis, is able to provide limited assistance to the retiree community. This assistance is provided as a courtesy, mission duties permitting, and only when TRICARE Overseas (International SOS, Singapore) is unable to answer your query. If International SOS is unable to directly answer your TRICARE questions, JUSMAGTHAI TRICARE may be able to assist you. Please find the coverage costs for TRICARE Select and TRICARE For Life here.
• Notary Stamp •
AT THIS TIME THERE IS NO NOTARY AVAILABLE - THIS MAY CHANGE WHEN A REPLACEMENT ARRIVES. Notary Stamp. The JUSMAGTHAI Adjutant currently provides a no-fee Notary Stamp service (duties permitting). The notary stamp is not a seal is derived from U.S. Army authority that may or may not be accepted outside of the Department of Defense, particularly if those documents are used in legal proceedings. Determination of acceptance rests solely with the entity requesting notarization. Further, if your document requires the presence of witnesses in addition to notarization, you must supply those witnesses. Also, do not sign any documents until instructed to do so by the Adjutant. If you desire notarization, please first visit the JUSMAG Joint Support section personnel that issue DoD ID cards--and tell them the purpose of your visit. They will direct you to the correct office. Remember, JUSMAG provides this service strictly as a courtesy.
Note: U.S. Citizen Services (ACS), U.S. Embassy, Bangkok and U.S. Consulate, Chiang Mai, provide a fee-based Notarial Service ($50 per embossed seal). U.S. Embassy: Notary Services.
• GI Bill •
The VA recognizes many Thai institutions of higher learning for the GI Bill, meaning you can use your Montgomery or Post 9-11 GI Bill at these institutions. Frequently, only certain departments within institutions accept the GI Bill. To check which institutions and departments worldwide within that institution accept the GI Bill, go to the GI Bill WEAMS website and click on the button "to search by country, click here." Remember that to use the GI Bill, you must have a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) from VA. If you do not have one, you can apply at eBenefits.
• No Staff Judge Advocate •
Staff Judge Advocate (SJA). JUSMAGTHAI does not have an SJA on staff, and hence, is unable to help prepare a Power of Attorney (paragraph 4, next section), Living Will (Advanced Medical Directive), or a Last Will & Testament. You may consult an attorney or visit one of several online *free legal forms* websites and have your document(s) notarized (seal) at the U.S. Embassy / U.S. Consulate General, or chance using a JUSMAG Army-derived Notary Stamp. U.S. Embassy: Attorney List | U.S. Consulate: Attorney List.
• No Commissary, No BX / PX / NEX, No MWR, No Military Lodging •
The nearest facilities are in Singapore.
• Space-A Flights •
Currently there are no Space-A AMC terminals in Thailand.
Please check the AMC-Space-Available-Travel-Page for eligibility, procedures and current terminals. SE Asia terminals are listed in the Passenger terminal directory under the INDOPACOM SECTION.
U.S. Embassy: Notary Services. (Note: JUSMAG does not have a Staff Judge Advocate on staff, and hence, is unable to assist with preparing a Power of Attorney).
• Defense Finance & Accounting Service •
Defense Finance & Accounting Service (DFAS)
Tel: 1-800-321-1080 or 1-216-522-5955
U.S. Military Retirement Pay
Fax: 1-800-469-6559
8899 E 56th Street
Indianapolis IN 46249-1200
EYEGLASSES - NOSTRA - If you are retired military and eligible for other medical services, you are authorized to receive a limited quantity of standard issue spectacles per year (click on header) for delivery to a U.S. address. Email: NOSTRA-CustomerService@med.navy.mil.
• Social Security Administration (SSA) •
Social Security Administration | United States Embassy | 1201 Roxas Boulevard, Ermita | Manila 0930 Philippines. Phone: +63 2 5301 2000 option 9 | Fax: +63 2 8708 9714 / +63 2 8708 9723 | Email: FBU.Manila@ssa.gov
• VA Benefits - Education •
Education (GI Bill): 1-888-442-4551
eBenefits is your one-stop shop for online benefits-related tools and information. This portal is designed for Wounded Warriors, Veterans, Service Members, their families, and their caregivers.
VA Medical Facility. *** None in Thailand ***
Planning a visit or relocation to Thailand? Educate yourself now, before you arrive:
Foreign Medical Program (FMP).
VA Manila Outpatient Clinic |
Guam |
Hawaii |
American Samoa. If you require medically-necessary treatment for a VA-rated service-connected medical condition, you can either pay up front to the caregiver and file for payment consideration through the VA's FMP (see next section), or obtain care at a VA medical facility.
Also, for a visiting veteran from the U.S., Guam, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, or the Philippines, FMP will cover emergency care for a service-connected medical condition, but normally not entertain a claim for a veteran who comes to Thailand to circumvent VA health care available to them where they reside (aka Medical Tourism). Contact FMP directly to learn more about VA health benefits
before you travel.
Death of a U.S. Citizen. U.S. Citizen Services (ACS) (U.S. Embassy or U.S. Consulate General) is designated to assist family and friends in the event of the death of an American Citizen in Thailand.
The RAO advises that you plan carefully for funeral arrangements. Local authorities have been known to hold bodies for long periods of time. While the RAO does not endorse private businesses, we welcome reports of international repatriation services in Thailand.
• Survivor Assistance •
Survivor Assistance. Please see these links Survivor Assistance, What My Family Should Know, Casualty Assistance Worksheet. These sources detail typical benefits and typically required information. Numerous documents will need to be assembled. Please include a cover letter detailing your marital history, insurance, and finances. A cover letter helps remove ambiguity and quite possibly helps explain information that is needed to support applications for benefits. Lastly, all Thai language documents require certified English translation. Thai language and certified English translation documents are submitted together. Legalization of Thai documents is no longer required to apply for U.S. benefits. But, Legalization of Thai documents is an option when applying for an ITIN).
• U.S. State Department •
Register with the U.S. Embassy. American citizens in Thailand are encouraged, even if visiting Thailand for a short time, to enroll with the Embassy’s Consular Section. Being that online registration requires a nine-digit Passport #, if you have an older seven-digit # that begins with an alpha character, do not enter the alpha character but do enter two "zeroes" before your seven-digit #. In the event of an emergency, the Embassy will provide information and other critical assistance to U.S. citizens. Registration is the only way to guarantee that the Embassy is aware of your presence in the country and is able to contact you and assist you in such circumstances. Registering also provides delivery straight to your email inbox Emergency Messages & Announcements. Registration is fast and easy and is highly recommended.
• Consular Services and Visa Info •
You must have an appointment for non-emergency services. Appointments must be made on-line by using the ACS Appointment System website. U.S. citizens who come to the Embassy or Consulate for non-emergency services, but who do not have an appointment, will not be able to receive non-emergency services, such as routine passport applications and renewals, additional visa pages, notary or report of birth services at that time. Email ACS: acsbkk@state.gov | Telephone ACS: 02-205-4049.
Royal Thai Embassy, Washington D.C.
Consular Office
Royal Thai Embassy
2300 Kalorama Rd. N.W.
Washington, DC 20008-1623
Phone: 202-459-9536
Email: http://thaiembdc.org/contact/
Web: https://thaiembdc.org/
Royal Thai Consulates-General
Royal Thai Consulate-General, New York
351 East 52nd Street
New York, NY 10022
Phone: 212-754-1770 (Consular Section)
Email: info@thaicgny.com
Web: https://www.thaicgny.com/
Royal Thai Consulate-General, Los Angeles
611 N. Larchmont Blvd., 2nd Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Phone: 323-962-9574
Email: info@thaiconsulatela.org
Web: https://thaiconsulatela.org/en/home-2/
Royal Thai Consulate-General, Chicago
700 North Rush Street
Chicago, IL 60611-2504
Phone: 312-664-3129
Email: info@thaiconsulatechicago.org
Web: http://www.thaiconsulatechicago.org/index.php
• Some Things We Cannot Do •
1. The following referenced topics are outside of the charter and scope of the RAO, or violate established directives or federal law.
2. Loan or Gift Money. The RAO is not an aid organization. Limited emergency assistance is available through the U.S. State Department, U.S. Citizen Services.
3. Promote Private Businesses. The RAO doesn't promote, support, or endorse any specific private businesses.
4. Political Issues. RAO staff members acting in an official capacity are not authorized to contact elected officials.
5. Copier Service & Office Supplies. The copier is for RAO official use only. There are numerous printing and office supply stores in Thailand.
6. Employment Listings. The RAO does not track expat employment opportunities nor do we participate in networking. U.S. Federal Jobs: FedsHireVets | OPM | USAJobs | VA Jobs.
7. The RAO does not possess unit historical information although the local VFW Post 9951 has a historian. Concerning service treatment records during the Vietnam War period, hospitals in Thailand destroyed medical records five years after a patient's last visit due to the lack of available storage facilities for the immense volume of records created.
8. Your Income Taxes. We don't order or print tax materials, nor do your income taxes. For IRS info, please start here.
9. Consular Appointments and Outreach Schedule. Links to U.S. State Department info are on this page.
10. Intercountry adoption is governed by both the laws of the country in which the child lives and the country in which the adoptive parents live. Important Information on Post Adoption Requirements and obtaining U.S. citizenship.
11. We cannot recover, nor assist in the recovery of, your DoD or other passwords, nor reset accounts.